Post-Op/Care Instructions

Following on from the instructions provided by your dental professional, please find listed below your post-operative and care instructions. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to Contact Us for further enquiries

It is important for both your comfort and safety that you read the below information in order to be fully informed of what to expect and what to avoid.

Things to avoid for the first 4-6 hours

  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not exercise, or do any movement that increases your heart rate significantly.
  • Apply make up to the area.
  • Do not lay down, please stay upright for the recommended time.

Things to avoid for the first 24 hours

  • It is important that you do not expose your face to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. These include but not limited to hot showers, cold face washing, saunas, sitting in the sun.
  • Please refrain from traveling on an airplane.
  • Do not rub your face or partake in any therapeutic appointment that will, such as massage, facial, facial waxing .

What to expect:

It is normal to feel temporary side effects from the injections which may last several days these include; swelling, bruising, redness, itching and mild pain. Some patients may also experience rebound headaches immediately after the treatment. You may use mild analgesics such as paracetamol if required. You may also use intermittent ice application for any swelling only AFTER the first 24 hours.

Expect to feel the presence of the product for the first 2 weeks until it dissipates. The effects are usually not instant and it may take 4-5 days to see some results of the treatment, these effects will continue to enhance over the next 2 weeks.

You can expect that your Crown and Bridge procedures will take two visits to complete.

First appointment: At the first appointment, which is the longer of the two, your tooth will be prepared for the crown/bridge. The dentist will take an impression or scan of your mouth and make a temporary crown for you which will be replaced by the permanent restoration at your next visit.
Following this appointment, it is not unusual to feel tenderness near the gums. If required, take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and rinse with salt water.

If the tooth is still vital (has not had Root Canal Treatment) the tooth can be sensitive, please note, this is only expected while the temporary crown is in your mouth. If you have sensitivity you can brush with a sensitive toothpaste and/or rub some of the paste around the tooth without rinsing the excess away.

Should you experience extreme sensitivity, throbbing or tenderness upon eating/biting on the tooth, please contact the practice and we will advise you on further instructions after consulting with your dentist.

Caring for your temporary crown: Due to the temporary nature of the crown, it is important to avoid chewing hard and sticky foods on the crown. This could result in the crown dislodging or cracking. If the crown happens to come out, please contact us and we will arrange for you to attend the practice to have it cemented back in place.

For the final appointment to go as smoothly as possible, it is imperative that you maintain your oral hygiene during the temporary crown phase. When flossing around the crown you will need to floss down as per usual, then upon removal let go of the floss at one end sliding it out of the space between your tooth and the temporary crown. This will minimise the chance of the temporary crown dislodging during this interim period.

Second appointment: In most instances during this appointment, you will have local anaesthetic placed in the area (unless your tooth has been Root Canal Treated). Your temporary crown will be removed and steps will be taken to cement the permanent crown.

Most types of cements we use have two stages of setting. Once you leave our practice the cement is nearly set, however, the remaining setting will occur over the next 24 hours. It is important in that time, you avoid eating sticky and hard food.

You may experience some tenderness in the area for a couple of days. It could also take up to two days to adjust to the new shape of the crown and how it feels in your bite. If after a few days, the crown feels high in your bite please contact the practice for assistance.

After your crown is fitted, if you notice your floss catching when cleaning around your crown, this may indicate some residual cement. Please notify the practice to arrange a review with your dentist.

Insertion and removal:

At the final denture appointment your dentist would have shown you how to both insert and remove your denture. Be mindful not to force your denture into place. If you are having trouble with your denture, please contact our practice.


When you first start wearing your new denture it will feel foreign and possibly uncomfortable. Through the passing of time and as you function more with the denture in place, your mouth will adapt. Eating may be challenging at first, so it is best to start with soft foods.
Your new denture may result in some sore areas on the gums. These will pass in time, however if they persist please contact our practice. Try to wear your denture for 5 hours before coming in so that we can accurately see where they have been rubbing.


Denture: It is important to clean your dentures daily, with a soft brush and mild soap or a denture paste. It is best to have a separate toothbrush for your teeth and your denture. Avoid hot water, cleaners that are not designed for denture cleaning and applying excess pressure to your denture. Also try to remove dentures after meals to give them a quick rinse over before placing back in your mouth.
Teeth and soft tissue: Clean your teeth and soft tissue (gums, palate, cheeks and tongue) at least 2 times per day. Ensuring you thoroughly clean the surfaces of soft tissue that your denture rests against.


It is important to schedule regular dental check-ups for both your teeth and dentures. Poorly fitting dentures can result in pain and discomfort. For denture maintenance, your dentist will advise as to how often you should bring them into the dentist for review. Generally, if you have both teeth and dentures in your mouth, it is best to maintain 6 monthly check-ups. Please ensure you take your dentures to each dental visit. You will generally need to have your dentures replaced every 3-5 years depending on how they are maintained.


Remove your dentures at night ensuring they stay moist by placing it in a cup of water or mild denture cleaner, rinse before putting them back in your mouth. Avoid wearing your dentures at night as it is best to give your mouth some relief from your dentures, and continual wear of the denture may lead to fungal infections under the fitting surface.

What to expect:
Depending upon the anesthetic used, typically you will be numb for a few hours following the extraction.

Do not be alarmed if there is a small amount of blood oozing from the extraction area, where blood is mixed with saliva it can seem like there is more than there is. Continue to bite down on the gauze supplied for 30 minutes. If the site is continuing to ooze after this point, place a new gauze in your mouth for another 30 minutes. If it continues to bleed after these two attempts, contact our offices for further advice (or contact your closest hospital if it is after hours).

It is very common to experience soreness in the jaws and the areas of extractions. This can be managed by taking paracetamol as per instructions on the packet. After the first 24 hours you can introduce ibuprofen if required. If you have been informed to take any prescribed medication by your dental officer, please follow the packet instructions carefully and complete the necessary course as instructed.

It is common to experience swelling following surgery. Please manage with cold compression for 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off. Continue as needed for the first day or 24 hours.
You may notice small bony fragments rising to the surface in the weeks after the extraction, this is not entirely unusual and can usually be removed by warm salty rinses, or for larger fragments, contact our offices for further advice.

In some instances, you may have sutures placed over the socket. Unless otherwise instructed, these will be resorbable sutures and will dissolve within 2 weeks. If they persist beyond this point and/or are annoying in the mouth, please make an appointment with Ashmore Dental to have them removed.

Post – Operative care:
We would like a blood clot to form in the extraction site. As such, you will need to avoid anything that could disrupt the blood clot from forming, these include:

  • For the first 6 hours avoid swishing liquid over the area.
  • You may brush/floss your teeth the night of the extraction, but avoid spitting out too hard as to avoid dislodging the clot.
  • Avoid eating on that side for the first 12 hours.
  • Avoid aspirin for the first 24 hours as it can thin the blood.


  • No eating or drinking for 2 hours following the extraction.
  • Avoid smoking for a minimum of 3 days following extraction.
  • Do not consume alcohol while healing is taking place.
  • Do not participate in any vigorous physical activity for the first 24 hours.
  • Do not lay completely flat immediately after an extraction, it is best to have a pillow behind your head to keep it slightly elevated.

Avoid excessively hot or cold foods. It is best to eat warm, soft foods for the first few days following surgery. Ensure you stay hydrated and eat foods of high nutritional value.

After 24 hours:
You can commence gentle saltwater rinsing after 24 hours, avoid vigorously moving the salt water around as this may result in the blood clot being dislodged.

Starting the second day, a warm compress can be used to promote healing.
You can commence hot, cold and firm foods at the 24-hour mark.
If you have any concerns about your experience, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.

After a filling is placed you are able to consume both food and drinks as desired. However, if you have been given anaesthetic and are numb, it is advisable that you wait for the numbness to wear off (approximately 2-3 hours) prior to consumption. If you eat with loss of feeling or control over your mouth, it could result in trauma to the soft tissues.

If your child has been made numb, it is natural for them to explore the strange feeling that anaesthetic can cause. As a result, they may bite or pinch areas, which could potentially result in trauma to the area. Please keep a close eye on them until the area returns to normal sensation.

It is not unusual for it to take 1-3 days for the area to settle after a filling. You may experience some temperature sensitivity and/or some gum soreness. If the discomfort is coming from your gums you can rinse with warm salt water to aid in healing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if after a few days the new filling feels rough or high in your bite. We will happily adjust it as a complimentary review appointment.

In cases where your filling was considered deep, it is expected that you may feel sensitivity for up to 2 weeks. If these symptoms persist it is best to contact us for further advice.

As soon as you feel comfortable enough to eat you can do so. A soft diet is recommended. Please avoid drink and food products that are excessively hot for the first day as they may encourage bleeding.

For 6 hours following the procedure place ice packs on the side of your face every 10-15 minutes to help reduce the swelling.

If you were prescribed any medication it is imperative that you take it as prescribed. Your local anaesthetic will begin to wear off at the 2-hour mark, it is best to take pain relief at the 1 hour and 30-minute mark so that it is active in your system prior to the anaesthetic wearing off.

Please avoid vigorous mouth rinsing for the first 12 hours as this may stimulate bleeding. After 12 hours, you should rinse your mouth gently 4 times a day for at least one week starting from the day after your surgery. You may use mouthwash (eg: Difflam-C or Savacol or salt-water mouthrinses).

Clean your teeth 3 times a day from the day after your surgery with a soft, toothbrush avoiding the area that was stitched for 1 week.

Smoking is to be avoided as this will contribute to implant failure.

It is normal for swelling to increase during the first 2 to 3 days and this should slowly subside over one week. You may also experience some bruising. If bone grafting has been performed to the site then increased swelling and bruising can occur.

One stage procedure: If your implant is a one stage procedure, you will have a temporary healing cap in place. After one week of healing, commence gently brushing in this area after. For cleaning during the first week, please use mouth rinses to keep it clean. To minimise the chance of the healing cap dislodging, avoid using an electric toothbrush, if it does dislodge keep the healing cap and contact our practice immediately.

For 3 months, avoid chewing hard foods over the healing cap site. After 3 months, you will have a review appointment where the implant is assessed and an X-Ray performed. If the implant is ready to be restored, then you can proceed to have the implant crown placed.

Two stage procedure: If you have had a two-stage procedure, the stitches placed in your mouth will dissolve. Generally, they will fall out on their own between 2 -4 weeks. In some cases, the stitches do not dissolve on their own, if after 4 weeks they are causing irritation, please contact our practice and we will happily remove them from you. Keep the area clean with mouth rinses for 1-2 weeks.

For the second stage (4-6 months after the first) you will need to arrange a follow up appointment where your dentist will expose the implant. A small incision will be made, the implant will be tested, a healing cap placed and the gums subsequently sutured. Please allow 3-4 weeks of healing after this this appointment for the gums to heal and settle before you can return to your dentist to start the process of placing a crown (tooth) on the implant.

Temporary teeth/Dentures: If you have had a temporary denture or tooth made, it may need to be adjusted by the practitioner to fit over the healing cap. You can wear your denture over the healing cap during the healing period. If the denture feels too tight over the implant site, please let your practitioner know and come in for an adjustment. Too much pressure can contribute to implant failure. Leave the denture out at night (and as much as possible throughout the day) to give the area a rest, and keep it clean with a denture cleaning solution.

Wearing and using your Invisalign aligners:

  • Make sure you wear your aligners as per your dentist’s instructions, in most cases it is 20-22 hours per day.
  • Before handling your aligners ensure your hands are clean.
  • After removing your aligners from their packet, rinse them.

Putting your aligners in your mouth:

  • Ensure you have the correct aligner, locate the U/L (upper/lower) and stage number on the aligner.
  • When placing the aligner over your teeth, start by gently pushing the aligners over your front teeth. Then moving towards the back teeth, apply equal pressure using your fingertips until the aligner clicks into place. Avoid biting the aligners into position, this may result in breakage.

Removing your aligners:

  • Starting on one side of your mouth, use your fingertip on the inside of your back molar to slowly pull the aligner from your molars. Repeat this process on the other side, then towards the front teeth before pulling out the aligner.
  • Once the aligner is out of your mouth, rinse it, then shake the excess water away and place it in its box.

Care and maintenance of your aligners:

  • Clean your aligners prior to putting them back in your mouth. Always use a soft toothbrush with water and a small amount of toothpaste (no whitening or abrasive toothpaste).
  • Avoid soaking your aligners in denture cleaning tablets or mouthwashes. These products can damage the integrity of the aligner.

Maintaining your Oral Hygiene:

  • Remove your aligners for eating and drinking, except for water.
  • Where possible, brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack before re-inserting your aligners. If you don’t have access to a toothbrush, you can vigorously rinse your mouth with water.
  • Visit your dentist for your regular dental check-up and clean. Your oral health is a contributing factor in optimum Invisalign outcomes.

Note: Keep all of your older aligners in a clean plastic bag, or as instructed by your doctor. Keep them out of reach of small children and pets.

Typically Root canal treatment is completed over 2-3 visits.

In cases where all the recommended stages are not completed it can result in an infection. Damage caused by this infection can result in tooth loss and damage to supporting bone structure.

Local anaesthetic will be used at each appointment, however, as the anaesthetic wears off you may have some discomfort following each appointment. This discomfort can present in ways such as a dull throb, toothache or even a sharp burning sensation. Do not be alarmed if this persists for 12-24 hours, please use over the counter pain relief if required. Should the discomfort not improve or be more severe in nature, please contact the practice for advice.

In some cases, your dentist may prescribe some medication, please take them as per instructed for optimal outcomes.

During the root canal treatment phase, you will have a temporary filling placed on the tooth. Due to the temporary nature of the filling material, please avoid biting or chewing hard foods on this tooth and we recommend chewing on the opposite side until the treatment is complete.

If your dentist has suggested a crown for this tooth after completion of the Root Canal Treatment. It is advised that you avoid chewing excessively on this tooth until a crown is placed. Failure to follow through with the crown could lead to permanent damage or loss of the tooth.

If your clean was a part of a routine maintenance appointment, it is not unusual to feel some sensitivity to both hot and cold afterward. This will subside within the next 2 days. If you had moderate to heavy build-up on your teeth the sensitivity can last for up to 3-4 days.

If your clean was treatment for gum inflammation, they will feel a little tender for a few days following the appointment. To aid in healing and improved gum health you can rinse your mouth 2 times per day with warm salty water

Patients can experience some bleeding on brushing and flossing for a day or two after having a clean. This is due to your body reacting to the increased bacterial load in the mouth. Do not let this deter you from your usual daily brushing and flossing.

If you are considering any whitening treatments after your clean procedure, it is best to wait for 2-3 days at least, or until any sensitivity has subsided, before commencing treatment.

In most cases, an occlusal splint is used in cases where the patient suffers from clenching and/or grinding of the teeth often resulting in TMJ (Jaw joint) issues and/or damage to your teeth.

Splints are designed to discourage hyperactive muscle activity which can result in damage to the jaw joint and teeth. As such, it may take some time to adjust to your new appliance.

In most cases, you will be instructed to wear your splint while you are sleeping. Your dentist will advise if you require any daytime wear. Initially, you may develop an increased saliva flow during use, which is only temporary as the body adjusts to having something foreign in the mouth that it doesn’t recognize as food. While you are getting used to the splint, you may find that it comes out during the night which is not unusual, it may take up to two weeks to get used to the appliance.

When you remove the splint in the morning, it is not unusual for the teeth to feel as though they do not bite together as per usual. This is due to the corrected muscle movement of the jaw joint during use as well as a result of the splint material sitting between your upper and lower teeth for a prolonged length of time.
Please bring your splint to ALL dental appointments for necessary adjustments and review.

How to care for your splint:

  • Upon removal, rinse in cold water and scrub with a wet, soft toothbrush for 30 seconds.
  • Soak in denture cleaning tablets to maintain the integrity of your splint, when required.
  • Do not use abrasive toothpastes on the splint.
  • Do not use hot water on the splint.
  • Keep in a safe, dry place away from pets and direct sunlight.
  • Store splint in its case, avoid storing in tissues as it can easily be mistaken for rubbish.

You might initially experience some jaw pain and tenderness with wearing your splint, which is completely normal and should ease quickly once the muscles become accustomed to the splint. Should the jaw discomfort go on for an extended period or extend to your ears, please contact our practice for assistance.

When to use:

It is best to whiten your teeth after having your professional cleaning procedures with a dental practitioner. We recommend waiting for a minimum of 2 days after your cleaning appointment before you start your bleaching process. This is to minimise any post-operative sensitivity that may arise from the cleaning procedure.

We recommend you whiten your teeth for either: twice daily for 30-60mins each (ideal) or once a day for 60mins at a time. We also advise that you whiten your teeth for up to 10-14 days, unless the desired outcome is achieved prior to that. It is not advisable to whiten your teeth for any longer than 3 consecutive weeks, to avoid any long term adverse effects.

Your package of whitening gel should last you approximately 2-3 weeks, depending on the frequency and amount of gel you use each time.

How to use:

Thoroughly clean your teeth by brushing and flossing.

Place a teardrop amount of whitening gel in the bleaching tray of each tooth you would like to whiten. The gel is placed on the inside of the trays, on the cheek side of the teeth.

Once the gel is applied to the trays, place the bleaching trays in your mouth, using a cotton bud/tissue to wipe any excess gel from your gums.

Start timing for your desired length of time (30 minutes or 60 minutes)

When the desired bleaching time is up, take the trays out and rinse them under cold water. Then use a wet toothbrush to clean the remaining gel off the teeth.

After use, avoid eating or drinking (aside from water) any products for a minimum of 30minutes.

Possible side effects:

The most common side effect of tooth whitening is sensitivity of the teeth to cold. This sensation passes when the course of bleaching is over. You can manage the sensitivity by using sensitive toothpaste, such as Sensodyne and Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief. There is a product called Tooth Mousse which may assist in alleviating sensitivity. Please contact us at Ashmore Dental for further information on this product.

If the sensitivity is not manageable, whiten your teeth for 30 minutes a day or alternate days.

Diet: Best outcomes are achieved and maintained when foods of dark colours are avoided for the duration of the whitening period. These include curry, beetroot, red wine, coffee, tea and spinach, among others.

Storage: Keep the whitening gel tubes refrigerated (which can last up to two years).

Upkeep/Maintenance: Consult with us at Ashmore Dental at your regular dental checkup for advice regarding a refill to ensure the continuation of your beautiful fresh white smile.

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